Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Places - Heavy Bondage Club

A quickie tonight - we didn’t devote as much time to shopping recently as we usually do, between RL, SL10B, and poor configuration of the stars in the astrological houses.

But lelo did manage to discover a cool bondage hangout we didn’t know, and traffic says it’s quite popular.

We spent a bit of time doing S&M, as one of my friends used to say - stand and model, my little joke about visiting hangouts to chat privately with lelo and people-watch.

We saw some famous designers who are themselves bondage bunnies. Name-dropping is so tacky, isn’t it? We’ll just say these are people our regular readers know and leave it there.

The spur-of-the-moment visit produced what these things often will; none of the staff was available for comment, but we’ll be sure to get in touch and give you a bit more about the place; for now, you know it’s there, and that we like it.

What more do you need, really? ;)

Oh, right, the SLURL:

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