Wednesday, August 26, 2009

BAX Coen Design - Prestige Boots Black Leather

Bax's Prestige leather boots are quite new; they were released two weeks ago.

They're absolutely gorgeous, from the tip of the heel to the menu-controlled boot top.

I've told you often enough about adjusting boots, and I sure don't mind doing it; it's part of Second Life.

But this time, Bax blows the competition out of the water with this simple sentence coming out of her store's service terminal :
"We will fit your BAX Prestige Boots for free while you wear them. Ask our Customer Service in the store."
I watched Bax herself fix a few customers' boots, and it takes next to no time.

This gave me enough info to do most of my adjusting, then Bax finished it for me.

These are now my favorite boots, edging out my Redgrave by a small fraction.

Perfect classic stiletto heel, metal accents in the right places, a detailed leather texture, and ankle "folds" add to the realism.

These are the boots of the season for me. Bax once again sets the bar for other boot designers.

Another great boot by Bax and as we have come to expect they don't only look extremely good, the scripting is once again impressive.

The menu give you the options to control the look of the boots by changing the tops on them, a very nice feature are the denim versions.

The color of most of the parts can be adjusted to match your taste, most except for the main boot color, a simple reset colors button saves you when you go a bit overboard with the adjustments.

The menu offers, by now, the usual sound and AO setting, didn't take us long to get used to that one. *winks*

The fitting menu is something we haven't seen like this before, and the remote fitting option is another new feature to SL.

Finally there is the option to remove all the scripts from the boots making them a bit more lag friendly.

To sum it all up: amazing look, amazing scripting, amazing new features, amazing customer service... simply put amazing. *smiles*

So why are you standing there, go get your own pair.

Name : Bax Coen Design
Owner : Bax Coen


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