Thursday, April 14, 2011

Think Kink - PerfectPose version iii

Think Kink are introducing a new system in their toys, and I think revolutionary is not too strong a term : the PerfectPose system, version iii, indicated by the little red iii icon on the vendors and referred to as tk3.

When you adjust your avatar’s position (and even the positions of the adjustable parts) on a tk3 toy, it will store the settings in the cloud (who decided “in the cloud” was cooler than “on a server” ?) and allow you to retrieve them anywhere else.

In short : sit once on a tk3 toy and adjust it to your avatar, and tk3 toys anywhere in SL will fit you automatically.

While this is important enough for single person poses, it’s even more awesome for couples poses. Ever sit a snuggle pose that didn’t fit quite right? Ruins part of the fun, doesn’t it? Well, no more.

This is advance notice (we’re nothing if not well-informed!) and their huge line of toys is getting updated and released soon. There are already two tk3 toys at the store : the Screwn! II, and a wall-mounted version of same.

Pretty soon sitting on a toy that doesn’t fit right will be a thing of the past... sooo 2010!

What else? Well, improved, low-lag scripts - we’ll all appreciate if every designer gets that memo.

Updates to existing toys will be free, and upgrades (adding numerous expensive poses to existing toys, for example) will be inexpensive.

Extra languages are coming for menus and messages : French is done (le yay!) and more will arrive soon.

Whew. So, let’s stop here, and you drop by Think Kink and see the coming new thing. Just remember you heard it here first :)


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