Friday, April 13, 2012

Edelfabrik - True Desire Mesh Jackets

We followed an ad to Edelfabrik tonight. The big, clean store impressed lelo - a rare thing.

The clothing style is clubwear, that elusive description that means fashionable, young, cool, hip, with it and sexy.

Most of it, then wouldn’t quite fit our topic, but a mesh leather jacket caught my eye (once it rezzed) and I called Sarah91 Tremor, the incredibly nice store owner, for a chat.

It turns out that we met a long while back when a designer friend of hers called us in to identify copybotted content (we’re forensic experts in fetish!)

The jackets, then, are called True Desire, and have eight fun back designs like “DramaQueen”, “Rockstar”, and so on. They're available in five sizes from XXS to L, plus two called EFTECH-RIGG and QARLS-RIGG - fancy mesh settings, I expect. ("Dammit Jim, I'm a blogger, not a mesh designer!")

There’s a ninth one which is part of the “TwenStar Three” outfit, which is pink leather and has a “Goddess” design - my new favorite, obviously ;)

Sarah tells me she is planning a fetish line for the coming months - it will be in a separate store, so watch this spot for news as it develops, as they say in other media.

Name : EdelFabrik
Owner : Sarah91 Tremor

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