Monday, January 6, 2014

KaS - HobbleDress

If you’ve spent any amount of time in fetish hangouts (and other kinds, I’m sure) recently, you’ve seen girls in amazing shiny dresses with lots of straps in back.. I mean the new KaS Hobble Dress, of course.

It was released while we took our brief Christmas break, so we got a lot of good friends tipping us about the dress - thank you all :)

I promised Salid it would be the first item we featured this year - and there might have been tipster riots if we hadn’t done so ;)

The dress looks amazing; I mean I’d love it even without all the bondage options. Out of the box, the normal dress fits me 95% without an alpha, so I didn’t even unbox any of the others - five standard sizes, L to XXS.

When you first wear the dress, a cool “click me” part is clearly visible around the waist - it’s the last time you’ll see it, too - and it takes you to the menu. Locking, Owners, Openings, Movement and Options are controlled here, and you’re reminded that color and gloss are controlled from the HUD.

The colors are great, there’s a ton of textures (many matching the standard POC colors), and if you uncheck “Textured” you get RGB infinite color goodness, but you lose the highlights.

Shininess is for new viewers, apparently, but I had a blast playing with glow - cherry pink, 25%, light to midnight, looks eerie and is made for dolls who crave attention ;)

Awesome, awesome, awesome release. If you don’t mind running into others wearing the same clothes, this one’s for you ;)

Lets start with a belated happy new year and we hope that all your naughty dreams come true in 2014.

And here is another belated item, if you haven’t seen this around SL the last couple of weeks you must have been hiding in a strict PG area.

Something new from KaS doesn’t happen daily, but when she finishes something you can be sure that it is amazing, and this goes for her newest, the HobbleDress.

In the box you'll find the dress in 5 sizes and 3 lengths, ankle long as a true hobble dress, knee long as a good looking dress and a sexy mini.

The dress comes with her usual HUD so you can match you dress to most outfits or moods.

The dress itself gives you access to the options menu, making the dress lockable, gives you control over which rear openings are covered or open and your hobble AO, which comes with no less than 3 hobble walks.

There are also RLV options in the menu, one when wearing the mittens determining what you can and can’t touch.

And more remarkable an auto alpha function that automatically selects the right alpha for how you are wearing the dress, using the #RLV folder, just load the specially made alphas into your #RLV folder.

Better get yours quickly before Salid discovers that she priced this one way too low… *winks*

Name : KaS
The owner : Salid Sewell

Quality9 9
Price9 9
Service8 8
Store8 8

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