Thursday, February 6, 2014

KDC - Classic Leather Posture Collar

Kyrah’s blog was hinting that the Classic Leather Posture Collar was getting near, and sure enough, she released it this morning. I pounced and burned my fingers as it’s so hot off the press ;)

This is a staple of RL BDSM, and it is as powerful a symbol as you can get, so Kyrah gave it the full treatment.

Thick leather, big rivets, lockable roller buckle with metal-reinforced holes, riveted ring post - this collar screams “slave wear” loud and clear.

I took the liberty of snagging one of her pics, an “early normal mapping preview” because the shine  looks like someone lovingly applied several coats of mink oil to the leather :)

That said, Kyrah took pity on us poor late adopters and the collar’s texture looks absolutely stunning even in our tired old viewer.

I’ll quote Kyrah for a bit : “NOTE: this product uses a delivery box system and can be bought as a gift and distributed freely (no copy/transfer), it only becomes no copy/no transfer when the gift box is unpacked.”

You’re smart, you can take a hint ;)

Kyrah has been at it again and built us a brand new, exquisite leather posture collar, that looks good enough to eat.. or wear… *winks*

As before the collar does what a collar should do, it locks and secures your neck, putting you in a somewhat awkward posture, hence the name.

Some might not agree, but i love that in Kyrah’s designs, no RL collar can control your speech, you use a gag for that, and that’s Kyrah’s thinking as well, keeping the scripting clean.

The one thing you can also do with the collar is chain your wrist cuffs to it, using KDC’s TouchBound system: touch the side of the collar you want to chain to and touch the cuff next and you are bound.

Simple and elegant, just like the included color HUD that gives you a choice of 8 colors for the outside, stitching, inside and border of the collar.

The metal items on the collar, like the big ring on the front, get a choice of 7 metallic colors.

So go get it, i know you want to add this to your KDC collection… *smiles*

Name : KDC
Owner : Kyrah Abattoir

Quality9 9
Price8 8
Service9 8

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