Thursday, March 12, 2009

HybridZ : Latex sex drone

This is quite a kit. Short of a shape, you have everything you need to play robot sex doll.

While our topic is adult, we've been stopping just short of the hardcore stuff - I give this blog a PG-13 rating in my head - so we won't be showing closeups of the naughty bits... but they're worth a look, if only for the attention to detail.

lelo had to resize the helmet, but she's a tall girl. If you see bits of chin or nose sticking out of the green, now you know what to do.

Speaking of the helmet, it's not just green, it glows. My face had a strange green tint while I sat next to lelo. If you like technosexuality, this may be a good thing.

The skin is decent, except for too many areas of solid black : this makes any SL clothing fade into two-dimensionality.

The ballet boots, for instance, have a very nice heel and foot shape, but the nearly featureless front of the boot takes away the solidity of the shape.

Other than that, I think you should be pretty happy with this outfit. The world needs more robot sex dolls.. go on, get it ;)

A new one for all you sex drone lovers, the new model by Hybridz.

The kit comes with a helmet, breasts, pussy, ballet-boots and a skin.

The most noticeable part of the outfit is the helmet, try looking at it in the dark. *smiles*

A fun detail of the helmet is the scrolling text, though it would be fun if you could change the text on it.

The helmet itself looks great and is full mod so it's easy to adjust it to fit even the brainier dolls *winks*

The breast are... well big... the metallic nipples are a nice touch.

The pussy is one of the best sex doll pussies i have seen, i like the green glow it emits.

All the prim parts are scripted and offer with exception of the helmet a lock, add owner and update option.

With the helmet you get the the same options and as extra some sub kneeling poses, a breath sound, gaging, tp blocking, isolation and removal of clothing, which all use the RLV viewer.

Now we just have to find a place for all these drones to meet, would be fun to see a place filled with drones like this.

Give the shop a look, their gear is inventive to say the least.

Name : HybridZ
Owner : Fyre Furse & Natalie Serapis


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