You get : two guns, a dagger in your left boot, some rope on your belt (I thought it was a whip - silly me), a silver cross (to keep Bloodlines creeps away), with some cool claws on the silver chain.. bullets, grenades..
Oh, and a really cool outfit, too ;)
Lots of straps and buckles everywhere - which I love, a wicked trench coat over a catsuit - Underworld, anyone?
In fact, it looks like Dangerous is the favorite outfit of Nightshade, the Metaverse's First Secret Agent :

here is another great new one from Marijane, you just have to love the things she comes up with.
The partly prim trench coat looks great, though loses something due to the black on black effect.
For ease of fitting all the prims have a resizing script, no shooting script in the guns though. *winks*
The sturdy boots go great with the outfit but i rather see Mistress in some nice heels.
I just wonder what we'll be hunting when Mistress puts on this on. *smiles*
It's amazing to watch how Marijane's skills seem to improve exponentially.
Name : Addictions
Owner : Marijane Greene
Deirdre | lelo | |
Quality | 8 | 8 |
Price | 9 | 8 |
Service | 9 | 8 |
Store | 8 | 7 |
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