We mentioned that Kayliwulf had a new hood set in our recent Rubber Slave Red post, and I promised you more details - well here they are.
Introducing (that is, we’re introducing. Kayliwulf introduced it a few weeks back) the Latex Deluxe Hood Set.
There’s a good bit of variety in this kit.. it’s quite a value pack. I’ll let lelo give you the list.
I love the tattoo aspect, letting lelo keep her skin - some of the hoods we got her in the past come either with outlandish makeup or wrong skin color.
Lelo has gotten used to the Phoenix viewer - she doesn’t crash any more frequently than I do with my v1.23 since the last update.
I may break down one of these days... don’t worry, I’ll alert the media if I do ;)

By now you must already know that i practically live in mask so this one comes natural.
In the box you get 3 tattoo layer mask, yes you keep your own face under these, one cowl, one open mouth and a full hood.
You also get some prim parts to play with, an open and closed zipper, a breather with and with out sound (please uses the silent one in public) and a pair of goggles.
There is no scripting in these, the other sim users will love you for that.
Great set of hoods and mask, the texture gleams like thick rubber, sadly still no smell in SL.. Lindens please note... *winks*

Owner : Lazarus Luan & Daphne Goodnight
Deirdre | lelo | |
Quality | 8 | 8 |
Price | 8 | 8 |
Service | 9 | 9 |
Store | 8 | 8 |
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