Thursday, August 30, 2012

Evelock - Circe Chair and Unity Collars

I called up Eve to get her advice on <obvious tease> a certain secret project I won’t go into right now </obvious tease> ;)

She’s an experienced builder and we feel the same about many things.

She mentioned she had new collars since the last time we featured her; as it’s been quite a while, I said I’d be delighted to see them.

She also built a pretty awesome chair, the Circe, which has a wagonload of good D/s and snuggle poses.

There are three pose menus : Snuggles has 7 poses, Just Miss has 9, and Miss & sub has 6. The chair has 5 textures for the arms, and 4 for the cushion. I recommended a leather shine one - I’ll keep you posted ;)

The menu is very different for owners and users; as Eve says on her blog, no more pesky fiddles from mischievous types. Oh, and the chair is only 3 prims; good news for the prim conscious - ie, everyone.

The Unity collars (labradorite and snowflake obsidian pictured) are lovely, delicate braids holding stone beads and a tiny shiny rune charm. Beautiful work!

The Unity collars is primarily meant for male subs but when you rotate it down it works great for girls.

Though this is more jewelry than a collar, it still offers everything you would want from a collar, just a more vanilla look.

And that’s the thing Eve was going for, everyday wear with a hidden layer.

The Unity collars are available in with the following gems: Fire Opal, Garnet, Jasper, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli and Obsidian.

Each of them has it’s own special meaning, have a look at Eve’s blog if you want to find out which does what.

So very lovely jewelry, which looks great and still one of the best collar scripts in SL.

Name : Evelock
Owner : Eve Terr

Quality8 8
Price8 8
Service8 7
Store8 7

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