Monday, February 11, 2013

Twisted Orchid 6th Anniversary Party is This Saturday

Well if you haven’t read our Friday post, you may not know that Twisted Orchid will celebrate its sixth anniversary in SL.

We have the schedule, and they’re going all out: 20 hours of partying, from 4 in the morning to midnight!

Twisted Orchid was started on February 16th 2007 by Kailani Ling, and is just one of those rare success stories in Second Life, where the average life expectancy of a new club is three months - and that’s with everyone working hard and doing everything right.

Orchid was fetish from the start. I took my very first pony cart ride at Pattaya Island, what feels like decades ago :)

The club was always famous for beautiful and friendly dancers. Extravagantly generous tippers were a feature of the club, and walls of biggest tippers with amounts that climbed in the tens of thousands of L$ were not uncommon in those days.

As people will tell their favorite Orchid stories, there’s one I’ll share with you in advance.
Lelo and I had a favorite spot, the couch with snuggle poses at the left facing the stage. Kailani came by one evening and I mentioned that the pose didn’t fit us so well. She took the time to custom-fit the pose to us, and it became our fixed spot - we’d wait for people to leave “our” seat :)
Twisted Orchid went into a bit of a quieter time, but recently came back swinging; Kai has good people around her once again, and it looks like it has a good chance of returning to the cool friendly fetish place we loved for years

The Date : Saturday February 16th starting at 4AM SL time.


The Facebook page :

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