Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hyperion Creation - Sharon 1.5

Hyperion Creations Sharon is a serious heel and serious platform slingback shoe :)

I admit I was not really stunned when I saw the vendor pics at Hyperion on our first visit, but seeing the shoes worn did in fact convince me to feature them.

Right out of the box, you get a lot of good textures, including some very clever “socks” to match the built-in foot skin to your own - first time I see those, but I’m more of a boot person, the astute reader will have noticed ;)

The shoes are sized in a way I also haven’t seen: to match up with your legs properly, versions of the shoe are included to match different leg muscle settings. Pick the right one and the foot matches your leg perfectly.

I particularly liked the red pvc (shown in our first pic) as I consider these more “fun” than “fetish” shoes. But lelo correctly reminded me that some people are probably absolutely crazy about this style.

As the other two texture packs (sold separately) are so varied, we did our animated GIF trick again to give you a sampling - enjoy :)

We already showed you the dollarbies by Gaelleminois at Hyperion Creations and it’s high time we showed you her main creations, her shoes.

The look of her shoes is pretty good with a wicked angle for the foot, deadly spike heels and a platform that will make you rise above the crowd.

All in all more then enough to make these shoes desirable but the the form is only half the story, the included HUD’s make these shoes very special.

Two HUD’s give you 22 textures to play with, which can be used on almost all of the surfaces of the shoes, there are also skin and stocking textures.

A third HUD lets you play with the colors, shine, glow and sound of the shoes.

Still not enough? Gaelle also sells two extra texture packs, one for clear textures for you stripper types and the second she calls the funny pack.

And some of those are pretty funny indeed: how about tartan with a marble sole or urban camo for the ghetto warriors.

Great shoes, even better texture possibilities, just beware that you’ll be switching HUDs quite a bit.

Name : Hyperion Creations
Owner : Gaelleminois

Quality9 9
Price8 8
Service9 8

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