Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prancing Harlot Designs : One-Pony Cart

Deirdre :
I just love this cart. The best part of pony play, to me, is to be driven around and see the sights with my beloved magic pony, lelo.

We entered the Iron Pony trial with this cart : a cross-simulator endurance race along the Linden roads on the mainland organized by Marissa Akula, of Questionable Virtues.

We went across seriously bumpy country, and never had a hitch.

Simulator crossings can be wild in any vehicle : we bounced, sank in the ground, lelo went invisible.. we still made first place ;)

Linden Route One is another great ride we took in this cart. There is a lot to see in SL, and touring with your pony will give you memories to treasure.

Designer: Alyssa Jessop

lelo :
The cart has a simple straight forward design, easy adjustable texture to personalize the look of the cart.

It supports one pony and two riders. Controlling the cart is easy, it uses the normal walking controls and page up/down controls the speed of the cart. Only taking corners takes a little practice; there's a little drift to the outside of the turn.

When we got it, it was a little low for me, making my hooves sink into the ground. A quick call to Alyssa Jessop, the owner and designer of PHD, and within minutes she adjusted the ride height to fit me perfectly.

Great customer service from her and the best was yet to come, a couple of months ago due to a Linden sponsored server hiccup, our beloved cart wouldn't rezz anymore, another call to Alyssa and the cart was replaced no questions asked, she even had the adjusted model still in her inventory and sent that one.

Visit her little store at:

Deirdre lelo
Quality 9


Price 98


Store 77

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