Of course being nasty and evil and all, the first thought I had was "hot pink for extra humiliation" ;)
I love the seams, the rivets.. you can just see the attention to detail in everything.
I'll let lelo give her description, and as a bonus, we have a little impromptu interview with Darien Caldwell. As a long-time producer of adult toys, she's understandably concerned by the proposed changes.

You just have to love well scripted and primed toys like this, i do anyway..
This one is another great example of the quality Darien produces, the prim-work looks great the fit is very good, and i love the fact that you use only one attachment for two toys.
I won't go into all the options the gag offers, just a few of the interesting ones.

Then there is the color option, making it possible to wear the gag with every kind of outfit, using the color prism brings every color in reach.
Of course this it's equipped with RLV support, chat mumbling (sadly still not usable in IM). time-lock function...
A great toy for the talkative doll that needs to be silenced once in a while. *winks*
Deirdre Young: How long have you been designing and selling? Darien Caldwell: I started tinkering as soon as I joined, back in Oct 2006, however I didn't officially open Dari's Haus until Feb 2007 DY: "What do you think of the adult content changes?" DC: It will have an effect on everyone involved with adult activities, but probably merchants more than anyone else. DY: Good point. DC: The changes are primarily focused on cleaning up search, and that will hit store owners hardest. DY: Well, if someone is looking for bondage toys, they won't mind checking the adult checkbox, I imagine. DC: Right, but to do that they will need to be either age verified, or have validated their account by buying Lindens from LL or Xstreet. DY: What do you think about being forced to move? DC: Again, this will primarily affect businesses. Your average homeowner will not have to move, even if they have god knows what going on in their home. LL has made it clear your home is not a public area and as long as it's not in search, you can do what you please as long as it's within the Terms of Service. I understand why people are upset, but I think LL has obviously put a lot of thought into this and is trying to take the path of least resistance, and do what will affect the fewest. DY: Do you think a majority of residents mind adult content? DC: The majority, no. I don't think the majority minds. But LL does, and the people they want to encourage to use SL do. So as they own the service, its no surprise they are trying to create a world more hospitable to their desires. DC: I don't think that would work. LL already acknowedges that PG areas are in the very minority, Mature is the primary class of area in SL. To try to limit people to PG only would severely restrict their ability to utilise the service. Conversely, the Adult changes do not, people can freely use PG areas if they are adult verified. They just have to restrain themselves a little, pardon the pun. ;)DY: There are people suggesting a G area for those who mind the adult content. What do you think of that idea? DY: And you'll be right there to help them do that? ;) DC: Absolutely :) |
Name : Dari's Haus
Owner : Darien Caldwell
Deirdre | lelo | |
Quality | 9 | 9 |
Price | 8 | 8 |
Service | 8 | 8 |
Store | 8 | 8 |
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