Tuesday, May 31, 2011

LaVa - WaspSuit

We caught a glimpse of the LaVa Wasp Suit at Latexia (I think the dolls are about to make me honorary sister, I spend so much time there) and I thought, we haven’t featured LaVa in a while.. voila.

The outfit is inspired by a pretty awesome fetish drawing by Ed Mironiuk (www.edmironiuk.com, 9th row, 2nd from the left) and I say inspired because Latexania definitely put her own touches on it.

And since the original looked so good with a gas mask and ballet boots, lelo generously agreed to model it the same way. Like that took a whole lot of convincing ;)

The catsuit design is quite spectacular. The black and white segments totally convey the insect body feeling, and a clever insect-eye design on the breasts will give a headache to anyone who stares too long.

The hood looks quite good even without the gas mask, so don’t feel you need to run out and get one. This is an attractive and distinctive outfit on its own.

Dark Refuge has an inconvenient fixed landing zone, so to find the store, go almost due west. LaVa is located behind BlumenStein Enterprises.

Another catchy one tonight, this time by Latexania from LaVa.

You get 13 clothlayer items and one prim in the box, giving you all layers and 2 options for the top.

One closed like in the pictures and one with a fishnet covering, luckily Latexania supplies a pair of pasties to make things more or less PG.

The prim part is a ear cover to hide your ears sticking out of the tattoo layer mask (yay, that’s my own face under it).

The suit comes in all LaVa’s colors: pink, violet, blood, orange, white, red and yellow. Though being a waspsuit, yellow is the way to go.

The LaVa Buckled Corset comes in the same colors and is a great addition to complete the outfit.

So all you need is a stinger and you can buzz off... *winks*

Name : LaVa
Owner : Latexania Valeska


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